Monday, January 29, 2018

Lowell School Newsletter
International Night was a Huge Success!

Sharing our smiles and cultures with our school community!

Watertown School Committee
Public Hearing Tonight
Monday, January 29, 2018 7:00 PM
Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers- 149 Main Street

Presentations and Discussion
  1. Viability of Lowell School Site for a New High School
  2. Student Enrollment Trends and Desired Enrollments at the Elementary Schools
  3. Location of Preschool and Pre-K Classes

Open Comment on Building for the Future Projects

We are pleased to announce that we have acquired TenMarks for use in grades 3-5 in all of our elementary schools! TenMarks is an online math program that provides students with an opportunity to practice the math concepts and skills that they learn about in class.

On TenMarks, your child can work independently on class concepts at any time within a
structured, flexible, and supportive platform. Students can work on assignments that their teachers make for them or they can practice skill "jam sessions" on their own.

Teachers will be sending home letters with your child's account information and your own parent login so that you can view their progress.

Feel free to contact Elizabeth Kaplan, Elementary Math/Science Coordinator with any questions.

School Site Council
Meeting of February 1st has been changed due to a conflict. We will meet on...
Thursday, February 8th at 7:00
Results of this year’s
Hive Spelling Bee!

Lowell Students were fabulous!
Hive Spelling Bee Results
First Grade:  All Teams were recognized
Second Grade:
Lowell School:  Spy Spellers (Daniella, ??)
Lowell School: The Killer Bees (Julian,Jason,MarthaAnne)
Lowell School:  The BEE Best Friends(Clare, Gianna, Sophia)
Hosmer School:  The Super Spellers: (Shane, Caitlin Gavin)
Third Grade:
Lowell School :  Dictionary Dragons (Platon, Nyles,Issac)
Hosmer School:  Studying Sunflowers: (Isabel,Liliana,Isabella)
Cunniff School:  The BEEtles(Gabriel,Richard,Callum)
Hosmer School:  Dictionary Daisies (Ellain, Anastasia,Urmi)
Fourth Grade:
Lowell School: Beast Bees(Will P., Nash, Alistar)
Hosmer School:  The Triple E's(Edmond, Evan, Ethan)
Lowell School: Bee Witched (Moya, ?)
Fifth Grade:  
Cunniff School:  Team Cool Dudes: (Caleb,Max,Nicolai)
Hosmer School: The Speller Dwellers(Gabriel,Kiran,Zachary)
Lowell School: Honeytastic S-P-E-L-L-E-R-S (Nairi,Naomi,Sylvia)
Cunniff School:  Cool Breeze Bees(Adriana, Tory,Mary)

This week we will be using Thai to greet students.  

To greet students in Thai, men would say...
"Sa-wat-dee khap" and women would say
"Sa-wat-dee ka".
Here is a YouTube video of the greeting:
The Annual Lowell Online Auction is a month away. This is our largest fundraiser of the year, last year raising $20,000. This auction has grown over the years to include summer camps from all over, restaurants, business services, theater tickets, ski tickets, museum tickets, Yoga passes, Youth Sport registrations, Principal for the day, fifth grade front row graduation seats, music lessons with Mr. Spano and new this year we have many teachers volunteering to have lunch with students. We had over 300 items last year, there is so much to bid on.
Have something you can donate?
We are reaching out to our Lowell families to ask if you own or work for a business that would consider donating to our auction to please get in touch with us. Years past we've had photography sessions, estate planning, restaurant gift cards, salon services and so many other fantastic items our families have generously given.  Have gift cards you received as gifts? Those too would be great.

More information will be coming out on how to register to bid and all the great items we've received. This auction is open to anyone anywhere so items don't have to be limited to Watertown (we had winning bids from Arizona last year).
Thank you for considering our auction!

Jackson Homestead Visits 2nd Grade at Lowell
Thanks to funding by the PTO, we had a visit from the Newton Historical Society.  The children became city planners. We discussed how cities and towns may begin small in population and buildings, but over the years grow larger.  We investigated maps of Newton from 3 different centuries and noticed the great changes.  The earliest maps had many fewer roads and locations that could be used as landmarks.  We found though that no matter the size of the town all areas need residential buildings, commercial properties, institutions, industrial locations and green space.  The more buildings...the less green space!  We then worked in groups to plan and create our own neighborhood.  When we were done we put all of our maps together and found we developed a map of Newton!  
Attached are some photos of our experience.  I'll also be putting a few up on our instagram account as well.  We really enjoyed using our map skill and becoming city planners today. Thank you again to the PTO!!!

Heart disease is the number one killer of women, yet most women don’t know it’s their number one health threat.
National Wear Red Day
Is held on Friday, February 2nd, or you can do it at a time that works for you. Join Lowell and wear Red 2/2/18.


Dates: Event: Time/Location:
January 31
Programming Committee Meeting
Lowell Library
February 8
School Site Council
Change in date from 2/1/18
February 9
Principal Coffee
February 13
PTO Meeting
February 15
Lowell School
February 16
February Vacation
Begins at the end of the school day.
Students Return
February 26th
February 28
Superintendent’s Coffee
Central Office
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
March 1
School Site Council

You can now subscribe to the James Russell Lowell Blog, just type in your email address.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Lowell School Newsletter
International Night is this Friday!
International Night will be held on January 26th, 6-8pm.
This is an extremely popular event with children, parents and teachers. Join Lowell families in a trip around the world, as we celebrate diversity and culture through various displays, food, and music, from around the world.
In the gym we have numerous Lowell families decorate a table with items that represent their heritage. Students are given a passport and get a stamp at each table they visit and listen to the families' amazing stories.

Last year we had 20 countries represented, and hoping to have a good turnout this year as well.  If you would like to participate, please email Sonia Smith at or sign up here.

In addition we host a potluck dinner in the cafe. We ask any attendee to bring in a dish that represents their heritage. You don't have to have a table to bring in a dish. The amount of food we receive is staggering and it's a fantastic way for kids and adults to try some new foods.

Mrs. Lochiatto’s 4th graders made flowers for the Watertown Unity Breakfast on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Attached is a photo.  Everyone loved the flowers but especially that they were made by our students.  There were over 400 people attending, including the superintendent.

The language of the week this week will be Russian
The way to say good morning in Russian is
"dobroye utro"

Here is a link to the pronunciation:


Watch the news segment by clicking the link below:
PTO Fund Requests
Our PTO is an intricate part of our school community. This year the PTO has funded many teacher grants aimed at improving student outcomes and enhancing classroom experiences. The PTO wishes to continue their commitment to (YOU) our teachers.

All teachers are welcome to submit a proposal to be funded by the PTO. Please submit your funding requests by February 6th to be considered at our February 13th meeting. Teachers are encourage to attend the PTO meeting and present their request in person.

Auction Items Donated by Teachers
Calling on teachers...the PTO is looking for teachers to submit auction items. Students love having special time with their teachers. There’s nothing more memorable than having a special lunch with your favorite teacher. Maybe a slice of pizza with your teacher and a few close friends.
The PTO is looking for teachers to donate a small lunchtime experience or any other idea, you can come up with, that families would purchase to support our PTO. All while making a child’s year unforgettable.

Coffee with Superintendent Dr. Galdston and School Committee Chair John Portz
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
8:15-9:00 AM
Please join us in a discussion focused on Lowell’s viability as a site for the WHS.

School Site Council
Meeting of February 1st has been changed due to a conflict. We will meet on...
Thursday, February 8th at 7:00 PM
The meeting conflicts with WPS Public Schools Strategy Development Team Meeting scheduled for the same date/time.
Spelling Bee Registration Extended to Friday 1/19/18
Watertown Elementary School’s 8th Annual Spelling Bee
Grades 1 - 5
Watertown Middle School auditorium
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Begins at 10:00 AM
In order of grade, beginning with grade 1.
Registration Form:

Heart disease is the number one killer of women, yet most women don’t know it’s their number one health threat.
National Wear Red Day
Is held on Friday, February 2nd, or you can do it at a time that works for you. Join Lowell and wear Red 2/2/18.


Grade Level Team Meetings
3, 4, & 5   Mon.  1/22
K, 1, & 2   Wed. 1/24

Dates: Event: Time/Location:
January 24
Coffee with
Dr. Galdston and John Portz
January 26
January 31
Programming Committee Meeting
Lowell Library
February 1
Lowell Library
February 8
School Site Council
Change in date from 2/1/18
February 9
Principal Coffee
February 13
PTO Meeting
February 15
Lowell School
February 16
February Vacation
Begins at the end of the school day.
Students Return
February 26th
February 28
Superintendent’s Coffee
Central Office
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
March 1
School Site Council

You can now subscribe to the James Russell Lowell Blog, just type in your email address.