Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Class Room Supply List by Grade

re everyone wants to buy items for back to school. Here is the supply lists by grade.
Lowell School Grade Level Supply Lists
Kindergarten Supply List
Recommended, not required
Paper towels (select-a-Size is great for small hands)
Clorox wipes
Markers (classic broad line or pipsqueaks)
Multicultural markers of crayons (skin colors)
Write Start colored pencils
Crayola Twistables crayons
Elmer's Glue sticks
Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer
Ziploc bags, gallon & quart size
White or colored card stock
Grade 1 Supply List
Twistable crayons
3 large glue sticks
2 boxes of tissues
3 pack dry erase markers
1 2-pocket folder
Pack of pencils

Optional, but appreciated items:
Clorox Wipes
Paper towels
Hand sanitizer
Antibacterial hand soap
Gallon and sandwich sized zip lock bags
White card stock
Colored card stock
Grade 2 Supply List
Recommended for shared class use:
One package of crayons
One package of colored pencils
One package of markers (thick or thin, either is fine)
Expo Write And Wipe (Dry Erase) Markers
Three glue sticks
One box of tissues
1 earbud/headphone for in-class use (in a Ziploc with student’s name)
face cloth to be used as an eraser for white- boards

Optional, but appreciated items:
Clorox Wipes
White card stock
Colored card stock
3x3 Post-it notes assorted colors

Grade 3 Supply List
1-inch binder with a clear, plastic front pocket
2 two-pocket folders, hole-punched, to keep inside the binder.  (We recommend durable plastic folders as opposed to cardboard
1 earbud/headphone for in-class use (in a Ziploc with student’s name)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Glue Sticks
Sanitizing Wipes
Whiteboard markers (thin)
3x3 Post-it notes assorted colors
Grade 4 Supply List:
1-inch binder with a clear, plastic front pocket
2 two-pocket folders, hole-punched, to keep inside the binder.
1, 1” binder with 50 standard sheet protectors
1 zippered pocket for pencils (bring 2-5 to school each day)
50 3x5 index cards
1 block style eraser
Expo Dry Erase Pen-Style Markers (at least two in binder each day)
1 spiral graphic pages notebook for math practice
3, 70-page composition notebooks
1 hand-held pencil sharpener (closed for shavings)
1 sock/eraser for individual whiteboards
1 standard function calculator
1 earbud/headphone for in-class use (in a Ziploc with student’s name)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Expo Dry Erase Chisel Tip Markers
5-way headphone splitter
Expo Dry Erase Pen-Style Markers
Sanitizing Wipes
3x3 Post-it notes assorted colors
Grade 5 Supply List
1 sturdy medium 3-ring binder (2-3in)
3 (minimum) plastic pocket dividers or 3 holes punched folders to be kept in the binder
1 plastic pencil box or zippered pocket (bring at least two pencils to school each day)
2 packages pencils
2 block-style erasers
1 set of fine-tip markers or colored pencils
3 spiral notebooks (single subject, 70-100 pages)
1 hand-held pencil sharpener (closed for shavings)
1 earbud/headphone for in-class use (in a Ziploc with student’s name)
1 transparent 12in ruler with inches and centimeters (for home)
1 package of college-ruled binder paper (for home)
1 calculator (for home)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Boxes of #2 Pencils
Expo Dry Erase Pen-style Markers
Sanitizing Wipes
Paper Towels
3x3 Post-it notes assorted colors

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Lowell News

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer with their families. Before you know it, an exciting new school year will be upon us.

Quickly touching base upon a few items, one of our 5th Grade teachers, Ms. Park, will not be returning to Lowell this September. The position is in the process of being posted, and as always, I will keep you informed on any developments as we move forward.

There is a lot of professional development taking place this summer for our teachers and administrators to continually improve their abilities, skill, and knowledge in the ever-changing world of education.

As some of you may know, the elementary school schedules, including kindergarten, were created by a large committee consisting of all the elementary principals, all the elementary coordinators, and multiple district-wide leaders. A unanimous consensus was reached by all participants. As a result, there are many ongoing internal discussions, parent meetings, etc. regarding an important kindergarten scheduling issue and further work is underway and ongoing at this time. There apparently has also been substantial discussion and postings recently on many social media forums, some with accurate information and others with various levels of misinformation and inaccuracies. Please know, as this is a district-wide issue, not an issue solely isolated to the Lowell School, I will be doing my part and working closely with everyone in the District and all stakeholders to address any and all concerns to ensure we always do what is best for all the children at the Lowell Elementary. I will keep you informed and value your input. My door is always open, feel free to stop by or send an email if you have any questions.       

Finally, the school supply lists are up on the website under announcements and also on my Blog.

Hoping the beautiful weather continues (with the exception of today) for the rest of the summer.

Warmest regards,

Stacy Phelan

Lowell School Grade Level Supply Lists

Kindergarten Supply List
Recommended, not required
Paper towels
Clorox wipes
Crayola crayons
Crayola Twistables
Glue sticks
Collage materials
Hand soap
Ziploc bags, gallon & quart size
1 earbud/headphone for in class use (in a ziploc with student’s name)
Optional, but appreciated, items:
Clorox Wipes
White card stock
Colored card stock
Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer
Grade 1 Supply List
Box of markers
Package of twistable colored pencils or crayons
3 large glue sticks
2 one subject spiral notebook
1 2 pocket folder
1 pencil eraser
1 earbud/headphone for in class use (in a ziploc with student’s name)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Clorox Wipes
White card stock
Colored card stock
Grade 2 Supply List
Recommended for shared class use:
One package of crayons
One package of colored pencils
One package of markers (thick or thin, either is fine)
Expo Write And Wipe (Dry Erase) Markers
Three glue sticks
One box of tissues
1 earbud/headphone for in class use (in a Ziploc with student’s name)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Clorox Wipes
White card stock
Colored card stock

Grade 3 Supply List
1-inch binder with a clear, plastic front pocket
2 two-pocket folders, hole-punched, to keep inside the binder.  (We recommend durable plastic folders as opposed to cardboard
1 earbud/headphone for in class use (in a ziploc with student’s name)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Glue Sticks
Whiteboard markers (thin)
Grade 4 Supply List:
1-inch binder with a clear, plastic front pocket
2 two-pocket folders, hole-punched, to keep inside the binder.
1, 1” binder with 50 standard sheet protectors
1 zippered pocket for pencils (bring 2-5 to school each day)
50 3x5 index cards
1 block style eraser
Expo Dry Erase Pen-Style Markers (at least two in binder each day)
1 spiral graphic pages notebook for math practice
3, 70-page composition notebooks
1 hand-held pencil sharpener (closed for shavings)
1 sock/eraser for individual whiteboards
1 standard function calculator
1 earbud/headphone for in-class use (in a Ziploc with student’s name)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Expo Dry Erase Chisel Tip Markers
5-way headphone splitter
Expo Dry Erase Pen-Style Markers
Sanitizing Wipes

Grade 5 Supply List
1 sturdy medium 3-ring binder (2-3in)
3 (minimum) plastic pocket dividers or 3 holes punched folders to be kept in the binder
1 plastic pencil box or zippered pocket (bring at least two pencils to school each day)
2 packages pencils
2 block-style erasers
1 set of fine-tip markers or colored pencils
3 spiral notebooks (single subject, 70-100 pages)
1 hand-held pencil sharpener (closed for shavings)
1 earbud/headphone for in-class use (in a Ziploc with student’s name)
1 transparent 12in ruler with inches and centimeters (for home)
1 package of college-ruled binder paper (for home)
1 calculator (for home)

Optional, but appreciated items:
Boxes of #2 Pencils
Expo Dry Erase Pen-Style Markers
Sanitizing Wipes

Paper Towels