James Russell Lowell Elementary School
175 Orchard Street
Watertown, Massachusetts
Phone: (617) 926-7770 Fax: (617) 926-2676
Stacy A. Phelan, Principal
August 30, 2017
Greetings Lowell Families:
This coming Tuesday we come together to begin a new school year. As a teacher I always found going back to school was a time when I made my “New Year’s” resolutions, goals, and worked at being my best self. In so many ways, it’s a new beginning for all of us. Families send their children to school for a new experience or are resuming familiar patterns. Setting new routines or returning to old ones takes preparation and planning. Talking with your child each night before they go to bed is very helpful in supporting their transition back to a more scheduled lifestyle.
I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who took the time to stop in and say hello over the summer. I also enjoyed meeting many of you at the Pre-K, Kindergarten & First Grade Playdates arranged the Lowell PTO. It was nice having the opportunity to meet you informally, without the time constraints of our daily (school/work) schedules . All of your stories helped me frame my thoughts for beginning the year.
During the summer I spent many hours working with the administrative team preparing for this school year. I met with department heads and curriculum coordinators learning about our school and district. However this is only a glimpse, the real work begins when the teachers and the students arrive.
Most of our faculty is returning this school year. We’ve had a few resignations over the summer and are fortunate to have filled most of the vacancies. Please join me in welcoming our newest faculty members: Nicole Blackwood (fourth grade inclusion teacher), Laura Homan (ISP teacher), Christine Talamas (first grade teacher), Kelly McCollum (Library Media Specialist), Candice Antonellis (fourth grade) Chad Nussinow (instructional assistant). Welcome to the Lowell Team.
Over the next few months, I look forward to seeing the school in action, watching how things work, getting to know the students and faculty, and learning more about the school’s climate and culture. During this time you will get to know me better as well. It’s such an exciting time to join Lowell and the Watertown Public Schools. Over the next week you will be hearing about all the wonderful things we’ll be working on over the next year together. I’ve attached summer notes from our Assistant Superintendent for Teaching, Learning, & Assessment, Dr. Theresa McGuinness outlining the work we’ve done and the work to come.
This past Wednesday, Superintendent Dr. Galdston brought the entire school district together for professional development, robust team building and inspiration as we begin a new school year. All this preparation supports the work we do all year long with your child(ren). We are eagerly looking forward to Tuesday.
Happy Labor Day!
Warmest regards,
Mrs. Phelan
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