Lowell School Newsletter
Happy Valentine’s Day
Tuesday, February 13th
Is the 100th Day of School
Can You Find a 100 Ways to Celebrate!
Morning drop-off
Last week members of our Lowell Community Volunteer Program (LCVP) stepped in to assist with our morning car drop-off. It was a huge help for our regular faculty and staff who are out there every day. The goal is to keep our students safe while making the drop-off process as smooth as possible.
REMINDERS to those who drop their kids off:
1. Please STAY in your vehicle - DO NOT get out and walk around your car. If your child can not get out of their seat belt or open their car door please park on a side street and walk them up to the front of the school.
2. Please do your best to pull all the way forward to the first crossing guard aid.
3. We realize children have a lot of bags (especially during the winter months). Please try to assemble their backpacks/lunch boxes/instruments/extra clothes in the easiest possible way for them to carry into school.
The drop off volunteers, faculty and staff leave their positions at 8:15am, so please do your best to get your child to school as close to 8am as possible to avoid them being marked tardy!
If YOU would like to join the morning drop off volunteers - please email LCVP parent coordinator Julie Candiello at jxcandiello@hotmail.com
We are pleased to announce that we have acquired TenMarks for use in grades 3-5 in all of our elementary schools! TenMarks is an online math program that provides students with an opportunity to practice the math concepts and skills that they learn about in class.
On TenMarks, your child can work independently on class concepts at any time within a
structured, flexible, and supportive platform. Students can work on assignments that their teachers make for them or they can practice skill "jam sessions" on their own.
Teachers will be sending home letters with your child's account information and your own parent login so that you can view their progress.
Feel free to contact Elizabeth Kaplan, Elementary Math/Science Coordinator with any questions. elizabeth.kaplan@watertown.k12.ma.us
Lowell STEM night planning
The Lowell school is fortunate to have generous funding from the Watertown Education Foundation and the Watertown Community Foundation for this year's Family STEM Night
The event is scheduled for Thursday, March 29th. We are looking for parent and teacher volunteers to help plan this great event. The committee will have one-two brief meetings in late February/early March Please email Elizabeth Kaplan, Elementary Math/Science Coordinator if you are able to help plan the event. elizabeth.kaplan@watertown.k12.ma.us
Lowell Online Auction
March 3rd -10th
The Annual Lowell Online Auction is a month away. This is our largest fundraiser of the year, last year raising $20,000. This auction has grown over the years to include summer camps from all over, restaurants, business services, theater tickets, ski tickets, museum tickets, Yoga passes, Youth Sport registrations, Principal for the day, fifth grade front row graduation seats, music lessons with Mr. Spano and new this year we have many teachers volunteering to have lunch with students. We had over 300 items last year, there is so much to bid on.
Have something you can donate?
We are reaching out to our Lowell families to ask if you own or work for a business that would consider donating to our auction to please get in touch with us. Years past we've had photography sessions, estate planning, restaurant gift cards, salon services and so many other fantastic items our families have generously given. Have gift cards you received as gifts? Those too would be great.
More information will be coming out on how to register to bid and all the great items we've received. This auction is open to anyone anywhere so items don't have to be limited to Watertown (we had winning bids from Arizona last year).
Thank you for considering our auction!
Dates: Event: Time/Location:
February 12
100th Day of School
All Day!
February 13
PTO Meeting
February 14
Valentine’s Day
All Day!
February 15
Lowell School
February 16
February Vacation
Begins at the end of the school day.
Students Return
February 26th
February 27
Buddies Event
February 28
Superintendent’s Coffee
Central Office
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
March 1
School Site Council
March 6
7:00 PM
March 7
Early Release for Students
March 9
Principal’s Coffee
All Welcome!
March 13th
PTO Meeting
March 16th
Early Release Day
Afternoon Conferences
March 20th
Early Release Day
March 22nd
March 28th
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